viernes, 22 de diciembre de 2017


Certain conditions make it harder to keep it up on holiday season. Not only because of the amount of energy that it's needed to be present in the gatherings and celebrations, not only because of the mindset required to be on a holiday spirit.
It goes beyond of that. It is the fact of facing a date in which the common thing is happiness and joy, and gratitude and love, in the best shape we can. It is also managing to be honest and real about ones feelings and states, and not being a burden for others while making it in the best way.
Christmas, new year's and everything that happens in between can be a reminder of those things we have lost. It can make us feel miserable because we aren't as happy as we were on our childhood distorted memories. It can be a heavy lift to carry as we face family members that not always gets us and can bombard us with a hundred questions we don't have the answer to.
We are so, so terribly desperate to close the year that is ending in the best way possible, to have a magic formula that will make that at midnight on new year's every score will be restarted to zero. We are hoping to be as happier or even more, than the last year, even if that happiness isn't real. We stand there, in the buzziest season of the year, hoping to make it through, hoping to don't over stress, hoping to take it all in the best way we can.
And here we are. On December. Wishing with all of our souls and hearts to be fine, to be okay, to be healthy in every single way. Because somehow we haven't understood that certain symptoms or a diagnosis, or taking a medication can't stand in the way of making the best we can of the moments we've got. We don't need a different life, with a different self, to be able of having a holiday season that we actually enjoy. I truly don't have the key to that, just the fact that changing the camera lens we approach to life does make a difference. And that doesn't mean denying stuff or not feeling the sadness or anxiety or rage or hypersensitivity. It doesn't mean that you deny that keeping up with this season is truly exhausting. But, there are two ways of seeing the situation. You can acknowledge the fact that you are absolutely exhausted, that the fatigue is real and the brain fog too. And also, you can acknowledge the fact that you are doing that physical and mental effort to keep traditions alive, to remain in touch with people you love, to have beautiful memories of this holiday season. Which you'll see, at the end of the day, is the best thing we do: Love, is the best thing we do.
So there it is. There isn't a way to do so, there isn't a magic formula. As Amelié would say, these times are hard for dreamers. And holiday season is really hard for everyone battling a mental health condition or a physical issue. True is, that we can focus on every single aspect that makes this a very difficult moment, and on all of those things that could be done differently. But the thing is... The season still has good and beautiful things to offer, and we can too take advantage of them. We can enjoy them. We can truly have some nice days, or moments, or seconds. And they'll be worth it, because in all honesty not even people who are absolutely "healthy and stable" have a perfect holiday season. In all honesty finally, we will have good moments, because we really deserve them. 

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