miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017

Striving to survive.

Have you seen one of those dogs that only have 3 legs? Or bling animals? Or one of those pigeons with a broken wing? They still make a living, right? They still get out there and strive to survive, whatever that means in their environments.

Because that’s nature. Because we all have in our biology, that we need to survive no matter how hard are the conditions or if we have something different to the rest of those who surround us. And we do it.
That’s why sometimes it’s weird or not deserved to be called “brave” or worth of admiration from others when people know you fight a mental health condition. Not because it isn’t nice, don’t get me wrong. We all need some cheering up and we all need someone to remind us why we need to do what we are doing. We do. We need it. Specially when you have a poisonous mind that talks about your bad things more than anyone. But is it really brave?
I can say it’s brave to hold your head up and accept your symptoms and diagnosis in a world that constantly rejects those who are different in any way. It’s brave to fight stigma and educate. That’s brave. But having the condition per se, that’s not brave. That’s luck, or faith, or curse, or DNA, or however you want to call it.
And fighting it, isn’t brave either in the day to day. Sure, to an outsider it may seem amazing, because that’s not their reality. But when you have it, and when you know you’ll breathe every single day in this earth having a major depression chronic condition, you just do it. Not because it’s brave, or to prove someone your strength. But because you have to survive, and you do your best to do it with the tools you’ve been given.
Sure, it isn’t the same conditions as everyone else’s. Some have it easier and some have it harder. The point is that THIS is what you’ve got, and dear you have to survive. So that’s why you battle your mental health condition. That’s why you take your pills and go to the therapy and try. Try, try, try. Even one day, you get used to it. To the symptoms and the comments of the people, to the daily struggles. To the recurrent suicidal ideation and the chronic fatigue. To the side effects of the meds.
Because we are all trying, one way or another, to survive.
So don’t get me wrong. Admire the people who battle mental health conditions because in a regular story, the things you go through are unthinkable. But we are just trying our best to live life the best way we can. As the cancer patient does when he goes through quimiotherapy. Or as the cardiac patient living with a peacemaker. Or the asthmatic with her inhalers.
We are all just trying to survive. As our ancestors did. As biology demands us to. As all the species in the world.

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