martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

Battling a diagnosis regarding a mental condition can be difficult. The stigmatization, lack of information and social rejection are some of the challenges that you come upon living with a mind that works in a different way. In my case, it's depression, anxiety and the physical consequences that come upon the ones that have changed my life. This blogs purpose is solely for all of those who struggle or ever feel hopeless, to find a place where they feel understood and that even though the road may be difficult, it's possible to live a calm, happy existence accepting yourself. The challenge is no the condition itself, but how you choose to fight it and the way you manage to balance your darkness with the other aspects of your life.

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El 2020: Caos, incertidumbre y cosas que no hemos perdido.

 En estos tiempos de incertidumbre, hemos podido ver que nuestra salud mental y física han sufrido bastante por distintos motivos. Esta sema...